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5 Places Not to Miss When Visiting LA

February 12, 2020

There are many great places to see in Los Angeles, and it is true what they say, traffic is a nightmare… but if you can get past the initial shock of how far away each attraction is you’ll do just fine. Whether you rent a car, call an Uber or god forbid, take the metro (it’s not that scary, I promise) here are the spots I would most definitely make sure are on your itinerary…

The Hollywood Sign

Now this one might seem obvious but hear me out! You know what they say, it’s all about LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. Well, the same is true for where you view the Hollywood Sign. While it towers above the city from a distance for all to see (on a clear day) the absolute best spot is to hike the trail that is near Lake Hollywood Park. You will bob and weave through residential neighborhoods, construction zones and ascend dirt trails until you finally make it, but it will be worth it, trust me.  If you aren’t sure about doing the hike on your own then you should definitely check out our Adventure Hike to make sure you get the best experience possible. And, you’ll have your very own photographer/tour guide!

The Observation Deck at City Hall

Not many people know about this little gem, and it’s free! Located on the top floor of this iconic structure you will find a lovely observation deck that offer 360 views of the city from a unique perspective. Check out the details for visiting here:

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (aka LACMA)

The largest county art museum west of the Mississippi! You could easily take 2 or 3 days to cover all of their galleries and still see more. Highly recommended with loads of family friendly activities and revolving exhibits that will keep you coming back time and time again.

Griffith Observatory

If we’re gonna talk about museums, then Griffith Observatory should definitely be on your list! I recommend hiking or Ubering up there (to avoid the parking chaos) and take in sunset. This way you can enjoy the city views but also take in some of their free exhibits, like the 12-inch telescope, only viewable during the evening hours. This is also a family friendly activity that is engaging and will give you memories that last a lifetime.

Greystone Mansion

I almost hesitate telling you about this one. Only because it’s so serene and beloved by locals. While on the map for tourists a little bit, it is mostly a relaxing and quite place. And who doesn’t want to walk around a billion dollar estate and see firsthand what it’s like live such an opulent lifestyle. Plus, many many blockbuster films used the location as their set so you will surely have the feeling of  déjà vu when walking around the premises.

And if the idea of going to these spots alone still give you anxiety, have no fear, ExperienceFirst has got you! Join us for a tour!